A NORTH Wales MS has vowed to carry on campaigning against the new default 20mph default speed limit which became law on Sunday (September 17).

Wales became the first UK nation to introduce the 20mph speed limits on residential roads as of that day.

The Welsh Government claims the move will 'help save lives' while GoSafe has confirmed that drivers travelling at 26mph and above in those zones will face a fine or worse.

Sam Rowlands, who has long been a harsh critic of the speed limits, is now urging the public to sign a petition calling for the Welsh Government to rescind and remove the 20mph law.

The petition has so far collected over 340,000 signatures (correct at time of writing).

Mr Rowlands said: “Since the new default speed limit of 20mph came into force on Sunday my inbox has been inundated with messages from extremely frustrated and angry constituents about this."

Mr Rowlands added: "I am also receiving telephone calls daily from residents who are extremely confused and concerned.

“I have been told that many motorists are driving at ridiculously low speeds in 20mph areas causing long tailbacks on roads which have never been affected before.

“Many of my constituents don’t understand why Mark Drakeford and his Labour colleagues are spending vast sums of money on implementing the new speed limit instead of using this funding to help people waiting for NHS treatment, or tackling many of our potholed roads.


“As chair of the Cross-Party Group on Tourism, I am also deeply concerned about how this will affect the number of people coming to North Wales.

“There is also a lot of confusion over how and when the new default 20mph limit will be enforced which will have a negative effect on attracting tourists. Who is going to come here if they possibly face being fined £100 and receive three points on their licence.

“The whole thing is a complete farce and it has been a disastrous roll out. It is about time public opinion was taken into account and the whole idea was scrapped immediately.”