A DRUG driver who was caught carrying a passenger on his motorbike has lost his licence.

Adam Burnett, of Nelson Street, Deeside, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 28-year-old had previously admitted one offence of being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst over the alcohol limit.

And he admitted two further charges, namely drug-driving and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

Prosecutor Justin Espie said the first matters chronologically were the drug driving and licence offence.

On September 18 last year, police had cause to stop a Yamaha motorcycle carrying a pillion passenger in Pontblyddyn.


A sample was taken from the driver, Burnett, and when he later gave an evidential reading, he was found to have no less than 5 microgrammes of cannabis per litre of blood - the limit being two.

His licence offence also came to light at that point, as well as the fact he had no insurance.

Then, on November 30, police were told of a disturbance at an address the defendant had left.

After a search of the area, Burnett was found - sitting on the seat of his motorbike on Corwen Road in Pontybodkin.

The vehicle had one wheel in the footpath and one on the road, and the keys were in the ignition but the engine was not running.

Burnett was found to have 63 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath; the limit being 35.

Alex MacKenzie, defending, told the court her client had already been sentenced to a community order for assault in respect of the November 30 "disturbance" which gave rise to the police being called out.

She asked the Magistrates to consider whether the sentence would have been any different, had her client been dealt with for all matters at the same hearing.

"I accept there's going to be a disqualification," she said.

"Regarding the driving over the drug limit - there was only evidence of one drug in his system and no evidence of bad driving.

The Leader:

"He is in receipt of universal credit and I ask that any financial impositions be deducted from benefits."

The Magistrates handed down a fine of £120 for drug driving and no separate penalty for the licence offence.

For being in charge of the motorbike whilst over the alcohol limit, Burnett received a £108 fine.

He must also pay costs of £200 and a victim surcharge of £91.

The court imposed a 12 month driving ban.