A WOMAN assaulted a vulnerable pensioner after a long-running row over feeding a cat.

Amy Robinson, of Maes y Goron in Lixwm, appeared for sentence at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 43-year-old had previously admitted offences of assault by beating and using threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

Prosecutor Justin Espie said the victim in relation to both offences was 90-year-old Pam Neish.

On August 3 last year, Ms Neish's daughter reported to police that Robinson "forced her way" into the victim's home and assaulted her.

The victim had been bringing shopping into her Lixwm home and hadn't yet closed the gate.


Robinson's cat entered her garden and was wet, so Ms Neish decided to dry it.

Shortly afterwards, Robinson herself arrived and asked if the cat was in the victim's home - to which the victim said no.

However the cat was indeed there, and when the defendant realised, she became verbally abusive and pushed the front door open with force, causing bruising to the victim's arm.

In CCTV footage Mr Espie described as "difficult to watch," Robinson screamed at Ms Neish:

"What the f*** are you doing - have you been feeding him?

"You've been keeping him here. You are doing my f****** head in.

"You go near him again and I'll f****** kill you. You're a f****** liar - you stupid b***."

Mr Espie explained there had been "history" between Robinson and Ms Neish - in that the victim had been asked numerous times in the past not to feed the cat, but had carried on.

The cat had even become ill, the court heard, and Robinson sourced a letter from her vet which she provided to the victim in an effort to try and discourage her from feeding the pet.

Mr Espie said: "It's not pleasant to watch, but in fairness to the defendant, you can see she attends to ask if her cat is in the premises.

"The victim tries to close the door and say no - when the cat was there all the time.

"I'm not sure I could defend the victim's behaviour in this case.

"I think I have to concede there was no element of pre-meditation and there is an element of provocation.

The Leader:

"It's not going to excuse her behaviour, but that is the trigger for the incident."

A probation officer told the court the offence had been committed "in the heat of the moment," at a time when "a lot of frustration had been building up."

The officer explained: "She went over and emotions got the better of her.

"She's aware she shouldn't have sworn at her - she was angry and worried for her cat."

The officer added that prior to the issue between them over the feeding of the cat, the defendant and victim had a "positive, neighbourly relationship."

Defending herself at the hearing, an emotional Robinson told the court she was "mortified" after seeing the footage.

"I didn't mean to cause her any distress," she said.

"I swear to you I've never lost it like that."

She explained despite her efforts to communicate with the victim through her family, as well as seeking help from Citizen's Advice and the police, the situation "became worse and worse."

"I really feel I did everything I could to ask her to stop," she added.

Robinson told the court she had lost her job since the offence.

The Magistrates described Robinson's behaviour as "appalling" and "shocking."

But given her early guilty plea and previous good character, as well as her clear remorse, a conditional discharge of 12 months was handed down.

She must pay £100 compensation to Ms Neish, as well as £85 costs and a £26 victim surcharge.