AN ARMY veteran found himself in the dock after using a phone to track and stalk his ex-partner.

Craighton Davies, of Windsor Road in New Broughton, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court for sentence on Monday morning.

The 54-year-old had admitted offences of stalking without fear or alarm and criminal damage.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the victim of both offences was Helen Davies, who separated from Davies in July last year after an 11 year marriage.

In August, she had to brake sharply in her vehicle when another motorist pulled out in front of her at a junction.

An iPhone slid out from under the seat and when she later checked it, she discovered it was one of the defendant's phones and a "find my phone" app was active on the device.

A short time later, whilst driving around Wrexham, she noticed the defendant's van behind her.


He followed her "at high speed" and overtook her, causing her to stop in the road.

Craighton Davies then got out of the van and threw himself on the victim's bonnet - damaging the window wiper.

Ms Davies reversed and fled the scene, but the defendant found her again, and followed.

The victim's friend, who was present in the car, threw the iPhone out of the window.

In the days which followed, the defendant sent the victim 20 unwanted messages, a call and attended outside her home shouting.

He also sent her a Facebook message telling her he'd been taking pictures of her vehicle, as well as sending her some of them.

Melissa Griffiths, defending, told the court: "It had been a very long relationship and it ended predominantly at the behest of the injured party.

"I think he accepts he's finding it difficult to let go and move on.

"He also understands he shouldn't have behaved in the way he did.

"He is someone who has worked the majority of his life and served in the army for 22 years."

Ms Griffiths said her client had seen and experienced things during his military service which had "stayed with him," and that had in some way impacted on his emotions, including the way in which he dealt with the breakdown of his marriage.

She added: "He isn't proud of his behaviour; the actions took place over a very limited period of time.

The Leader:

"It seems the probation service is more than willing to work with him."

Debbie Mckinnel, chair of the bench, said: "Mr Davies, I am sure if you could turn the clock back you would do.

"This behaviour has to stop.

"You cannot contact Helen Davies any more."

The court imposed an 18 month community order, with a restraining order to run alongside it for the same duration.

Davies must undertake 15 rehabilitation activity days, 35 sessions on a programme and undertake an eight week alcohol treatment requirement.

He must also pay a £114 victim surcharge as well as £85 costs.