A WREXHAM man who strangled his ex-partner in an alcohol-fuelled rage and attacked a man after breaking into his house has been jailed. 

David Peers, of Salisbury Road, Wrexham, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Wednesday morning (February 7). 

The 30-year-old had previously admitted two counts of intentional strangulation, criminal damage and a burglary offence. 

Jade Tufail, prosecuting, said that Peers had been in a relationship with Chloe Ray for around six months. On the evening of November 26, 2022, they went out with friends to a concert in Nuneaton, in the West Midlands. During the evening, the defendant consumed a large amount of alcohol. He was behaving in a manner "bordering on aggressive", amid concerns that Miss Ray and another person were attracted to one another. 

At about 1am, Peers returned to Miss Ray's flat where he became aggressive with her. He started punching the kitchen cupboards, causing damage, hurled abuse and was seemingly annoyed that she didn't want to have sex with him.

Eventually, Miss Ray asked Peers to leave - to which he reacted by grabbing a kitchen chair and smacking it on the floor, causing one of the legs to break. He continued to shout at the victim, saying she had been flirting with a mutual friend that evening. 

Peers then grabbed Miss Ray, held her down to the floor and placed his arms around her neck - applying "a lot" of pressure. Miss Ray described feeling the sensation of her face "burning" from the circulation being cut off at her neck, and estimates that the strangling continued for about 30 seconds. The defendant then stopped, and allowed Miss Ray to run into the hallway where she called for help. 

When she returned, she saw Peers trying to cut his stomach with what looked like a steak knife, saying "if you can't have me, then what's the point in living?". The defendant proceeded to cause further damage, throwing a kitchen chair out of the window.

Miss Ray tried to ring her mother, but the defendant grabbed her phone - and damaged the screen. He threatened to throw Miss Ray's children's Christmas presents out, and damaged some property that belonged to them, as well as a bedroom cabinet and a photo frame. 

The next morning, Miss Ray's family attended the flat - concerned that she had tried to contact them. Upon them seeing the condition of the flat, Peers lied - telling them that Miss Ray had tried to attack him, before he apologised and left the scene. 

After Miss Ray went to stay at her mother's address, the defendant later left Miss Ray a voicemail, telling her to "watch your back". She contacted the police and Peers was arrested at the flat. 


The victim was left with minor bruising to her upper back, bruising to her right upper arm and wrist, multiple bruises to her upper breast, right knee and left calf. Her neck was also tender to the touch. She also reported having an issue with her eyes which wasn't present prior to the attack - in that they were red with watery discharge. 

In police interview, Peers, who previously had no convictions, stated that he couldn't remember anything as he drunk a lot. He falsely stated that Miss Ray's injuries were attributable to bondage play. 

Regarding the second matter, the court heard that it occurred at a property on Salisbury Road in Wrexham on September 3, 2023. Peers was a resident on a mental health ward, and had walked out of the ward - stating that he was "going to slaughter people".

At about 11.10pm, he attended the property of Keifer Anthony Jones. Mr Jones was sitting playing a games console inside his ground floor flat. His attention was drawn to the defendant who put his head through the bedroom window, before climbing in to the flat. Peers was said to have a "menacing" expression on his face. The defendant began to shout abuse and threatened to kill Mr Jones while trying to punch him. Peers pinned Mr Jones against the wall, pinning his forearm against the victim's throat. 

Mr Jones fled to the kitchen, but was followed by the defendant - who then placed him into a "chokehold" for almost a minute. Peers then appeared to calm down, apologised and told the victim that he was at the wrong property. Peers then became aggressive again, before taking a phone call from police officers who were outside the property. Mr Jones, who had never met the defendant before, explained what happened and Peers was arrested. 

Maria Masselis, defending, said Peers suffers from borderline personality disorder and was in a "heightened emotional state" when the offences occurred. He suffered a mentally and physically abusive childhood, causing him to suffers post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Miss Masselis said Peers was "self-medicating" by abusing drugs and alcohol. 

She added that the strangulations, whilst being "deeply unpleasant", caused no loss of consciousness and on both occasions Peers voluntarily desisted. 

Judge Rhys Rowlands desribed the attacks as "deeply disturbing", sentencing Peers to 30 months imprisonment, as well as making him subject of a three-year restraining order from Miss Ray.