A RAPPIDLY growing sport is set to score a great total for a local children's hospice charity, with a memorial tournament in Wrexham.

Futsal, a version of traditional football played with a smaller, less bouncy ball to help develop skills, is both fast paced and exciting to watch.

Marc Bray, 39, a builder from Wrexham, has been coaching the sport for four years now and runs the Wrexham Futsal Girls. He is hosting next month's tournament in memory of his late friend Phil Long and also another special connection to Hope House Tŷ Gobaith children's hospices.

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Marc said: "My lifelong friend Phil died about four years ago and it was a very tough time.

"We wanted to do something in his memory but also decided to raise money for Hope House Tŷ Gobaith as it's a charity close to my heart.

"Another good friend, Jav, tragically lost his daughter at a young age and the hospices did a lot of work supporting him and his family at that time."

The Wrexham Futsal Girls group stared two years ago with just six players but has now grown to more than 40 members across three age groups.

Futsal is played with rules like kick-ins rather than throw-ins and the goalkeeper only allowed four seconds on the ball.

Wrexham Futsal Girls coach Marc Bray is hosting the charity tournament.

Wrexham Futsal Girls coach Marc Bray is hosting the charity tournament.

Marc said: "I read up on the sport before getting involved and was keen as it really brings on players.

"My own daughter started a couple of years ago and has now won a scholarship with Connah's Quay Nomads football team.

"We're asking for £40 registration per team and are hoping for around 24 teams - we've already got 16 signed up and all the money raised will be going to the hospices, so it's looking like a great day.

"We've teams coming from Liverpool, Cheshire and locally too."

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Area fundraiser for Hope House Tŷ Gobaith, Vicky Bradbeer, said: "We are very grateful to Marc and all involved with the tournament for thinking of us.

"All their efforts will help us continue to provide care and respite for seriously ill local children and their families.

"We wish them a great day and every success with the tournament. Good luck guys."

The tournament will be held at the Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, Wrexham on Sunday, March 17, between 8am and 8pm. There are three age groups of U12, U14 and U16.

To get involved and sign-up, contact Marc Bray on 07538 768 378 or Dan Roach on 07803 330 988.

You can donate at: justgiving.com/page/marc-bray-1704974380630