BOLLARDS put in place to protect members of the public visiting Wrexham City Centre have received "great feedback," it has been said.

The Leader reported in May how permanent bollards had been installed on High Street to keep pedestrians safe on nights out after temporary signage kept being moved.

It was confirmed that the bollards will be raised on Friday and Saturday evenings and also be used for one-off events.

Wrexham Inspector Rob Stevenson told the Leader the scheme has meant "huge positives" for the city centre.

READ MORE: Bollards installed in Wrexham for road closures after temporary signage was moved

He explained: "We have had recent partnership meetings about the bollards that have appeared on the High Street.

"Licensees were a bit cautious before the bollards went in but there have been huge positives.

"We've had great feedback from members of the community in particular that they feel a lot safer of an evening.

"There was a high volume of traffic travelling through the High Street and a lot of those were unnecessary journeys - just people driving around, anti-socially on occasion.

"But now people are coming in to enjoy meals or drinks and they feel a lot safer.

READ MOREWrexham Inspector confirms decrease in city centre crime

"Licensees are now looking to work with the council to put some street entertainment on to draw more people in, so that's something to look forward to in the coming weeks and months.

"And this is just the beginning; this has been a success, so we continue to work with the council. 

"We are putting further plans in place to make other roads safer, and I am aware that the council is looking to redesign certain roads in the city centre.

"That will make the wider city centre a safer place for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users."

A Wrexham Council spokesman said: “We are in early, but positive discussions with representatives from the evening economy, and the active travel consultation is ongoing and available to view/take part here:”