FLINTSHIRE Council is investigating the cause of a pungent odour in the Deeside area.

The Leader recently reported that the smell, described as being like a "soggy mop", is affecting several areas across Deeside.

A total of 26 councillors penned their names to a letter over the foul smell - which is said to be so pungent that some residents are thinking of moving away from the area.

The smell is said to be strongest in the area of Chemistry Lane in Pentre. 

Flinshire County Council (FCC) has said it is "working closely" with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to investigate this matter "to eliminate potential sources".


A spokesperson for the local authority said: "Both NRW and FCC officers have and are continuing to review permitted processes in the locations of complaints. None of the processes reviewed so far are non-compliant with their conditions.

"Numerous site visits and location assessments have been carried out by officers when reports have been made.

"We are currently following a line of inquiry based on intelligence from the community. We are unable to go into any detail at present as this aspect of the investigation has yet to be concluded."