INCREASED reports of items being stolen from insecure vehicles have been reported by North Wales Police.

Drivers are being provided with simple measures to protect their vehicle and deter potential thieves.  

All vehicles should be locked, even when filling up with fuel or leaving it parked on a driveway as it reduces the possibility of them being targeted by thieves. 

The warning comes from the 'North Wales Community Alert' where police state that "there have been reports in some areas of things being stolen from insecure vehicles."

Police are warning residents not to leave anything valuable on show in their vehicles when leaving it unattended. 

It is also important that all vehicle keys are kept safe and concealed in public areas, especially those with cars with keyless entry, as they can unlock automatically when the key comes close to the vehicle. 


Anyone with a garage is encouraged to park their vehicles inside to guarantee further protection from anyone wandering the streets.

Portable sat navs are popular items among vehicle thieves including support cradles and suction pads that can be fitted to the windscreen. 

North Wales police ask if you witness any suspicious activity around vehicles to call on 101 or 0300 0101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.