GIRLS from across Wrexham came together for a coronation celebration.

Over 100 girls, aged 4 to 18, came together to have a jam-packed afternoon at the Hippodrome on Henblas Street in the city centre.

Wrexham Girlguiding was thrilled to both hold its first large event since the pandemic and to celebrate the upcoming Coronation by bringing the Girlguiding community together.

Girlguiding is the UK’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls and, in true guiding spirit, the weather didn’t deter either the girls or the nearly 30 leader volunteers taking part.


With a dress code of Wear Your Own Crown, when their hoods weren’t up, the girls enjoyed a picnic lunch before various fun activities including circus skills, meeting and learning about animals, and music and dancing.

This afternoon was completed by the girls and leaders renewing their promises that they all make, to serve our King and community. 

Wrexham Girlguding has thanked Wrehxam Council, Xplore, Zoo 2 U and everyone who supported it in organising the event.

For more details about Wrexham Girlguiding, please visit

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