A NORTH Wales MS has called for immediate answers on the full costs of introducing the default 20mph in Wales.

Member of the Senedd Sam Rowlands is calling on Welsh Government to reveal the costs of implementing the new 20mph speed limit across Wales. 

Senedd members voted on reducing the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph back in July. 

The new measures are set to be in place from September 2023. 

The introduction faced a lot of resistance from residents in Flintshire, following a trial period of the scheme in Buckley. 

A petition set up by locals, opposing the new speed limit changes, gained over 45,000 signatures. 


Sam Rowlands has actively campaigned against the introduction of the new scheme and is calling for the cost of the new changes to be published. 

Back in November, Mr Rowlands called for clarity over the new costings.

Speaking in the Senedd, Sam Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government said:

“On November 15, during the business statement, I called for a Welsh Government statement outlining the full economic costings of the introduction of the default 20mph speed limits in Wales.

“I requested this on the back of a letter that all councillors in Wales received from the Government outlining that the 20mph speed limit change would save the public purse around £100 million in the first year. But what it failed to do was outline the economic cost to Wales of around £4.5 billion, which is from the Welsh Government's own explanatory memorandum."

Mr Rowlands also questioned the date on which a statement summarising the costings would be published, after being told in November that a letter would be written. 

Lesley Griffiths, Trefnydd and Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, said she would speak to the deputy minister to see when he can bring forward that statement.

Mr Rowlands added: “20mph speed limits across Wales could have a dangerous impact and is a backward step in how we go about our daily lives.

“Instead of slowing Wales down, Labour should grip the wheel and get Wales moving again with a pro-growth, pro-business, pro-worker programme that works for those who need to drive.”

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “Our assessment shows an average increase of one minute per journey, which results in a saving of nine lives and prevents 98 serious injuries annually.”