THE 20mph speed limit restrictions for Welsh roads are drawing ever nearer.

The Welsh Government will introduce a default 20mph speed limit on restricted roads across Wales in September 2023.

The government said restricted roads include those with street-lights which are usually located in residential and built-up areas with high pedestrian activity.

The plans faced great opposition, particularly after it was first piloted in the Buckley area earlier this year and tens of thousands of people have signed an online petition against the scheme. 

There have also been calls from North Wales politicians for the Welsh Government to scrap the scheme - which will cost an estimated £32.5 million to roll out. 

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Flintshire Council says it has agreed a "range of measures" with the Welsh Government regarding the roll-out of the 20mph limit following concerns.

Other local councils are set to have the final say over where the 20mph speed restrictions will come into force in their local areas.

Last week, we asked our readers what they thought of the scheme. Here are some of their opinions.

Trevor Haughton said: "It’s nonsense, will we soon return to having someone waving a red flag walking in front of us? Or the prospect of being overtaken by cyclists?

"The current assembly government should be careful not to demonise its supporters and concentrate on its other concerns."

Andrew Lindop told us: "Imagine driving from Queensferry to Connah's Quay at 20mph at 1am. I think whoever thought this up needs to have a rethink before mass protests and total chaos grip the nation."

Netty Mason said: "Utter nonsense...yes, around schools when they start and finish but otherwise 30 mph is slow enough."

Tina Samuels said: "More risk of accidents due to people not paying attention to the road."

Kathryn Taylor said: "I can understand the need for 20mph limits in some places. Ie near schools, hospitals etc but in "all" residential areas this is, in my opinion, over the top.

"The NHS is in a critical condition and needs major investment and the roads themselves need maintenance. How can they justify the amount of money it will cost to implement this programme I don't know."

The Leader:

PIC: Our readers have had their say on the 20mph speed limit set for Wales' residential areas.

David Cooper wrote: "Will not make any difference through my village. Some drive at 60 through the 30 and there is no one to enforce it.

"Complete waste of money that could have been better spent on the hospital."

Jackie Kightly is in favour of the scheme: "This is a quote from '20's plenty' and I do agree. "Of course 20mph seems slow to drivers. That's the whole point.

"And it also seems slower, calmer, cleaner, safer and quieter for all the people who are not in cars and living their lives in communities. It's why #20splenty where people are." 

Matthew Sides added: "I'll stay within the limit but I think it’s dangerous. Every 20 I am in I must spend 50% of my time looking at my Speedo rather than the road."

  • What do you make of the 20mph speed limit set for Wales' residential areas? Let us know in the comments below.