FLINTSHIRE Council has agreed a "range of measures" with the Welsh Government regarding the roll-out of the 20mph limit.

This year will see the introduction of Welsh Government’s Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022. This means speed limits on most restricted roads will reduce from 30mph to 20mph from September. 

In the lead up to the introduction of Welsh Government’s new legislation eight communities, including in Buckley, were selected for the first phase of the national programme with 20mph speed limits being introduced between July 2021 and May 2022. It has now been nearly 12 months since its introduction in Buckley and surrounding areas.   

The law has proven controversial, with tens of thousands of people signing an online petition against the scheme. 

There have also been calls from North Wales politicians for the Welsh Government to scrap the scheme - which will cost an estimated £32.5 million to roll out. 

A Flintshire Council spokesperson said: "Aware of concerns raised locally, discussions between Flintshire County Council and Welsh Government have been ongoing for some months and the council has been gathering the views of local residents to help inform a review and understand any concerns about specific roads.

"The council has agreed a range of measures with Welsh Government."

These include:

  • Welsh Government to undertake a review of the scheme and exceptions criteria for the main arterial roads.
  • An online feedback survey for all households located within the 20mph speed restriction.
  • An engagement and education campaign by the police.
  • Face to face information sessions for the local community.
  • An online household survey has taken place.  9,426 properties, located within the 20mph restriction areas, received a letter to take part and 2,712 responses were received.   

To supplement the online survey a number of information sessions have now been arranged for communities in the local Buckley area to learn more about Welsh Government’s new 20mph legislation and how it needs to be applied to local roads. The sessions will give local residents the opportunity to provide feedback.


Attended by Welsh Government, Flintshire County Council and North Wales Police the sessions will be held through a mixture of face to face and online meetings. 

So that they can get the most from the sessions, residents will need to pre book their place and a booking link along with dates and times can be found on the council’s website www.flintshire.gov.uk/Buckley20Bwcle.

Residents who need support to book a place online can visit the Council’s Connects Centre in Buckley Library. 

Feedback received at the information sessions will be added to the feedback received through the online survey and will help inform the review of local roads by Flintshire Council.

The review will be provided to Welsh Government to inform the national rollout of 20mph. The outcomes will also be published on the council’s website by the end of March 2023.