POLICE have encouraged those with unwanted firearms and blades to get in touch in order to arrange surrendering them. 

As part of its daily update on social media, the Flintshire North Policing team released details of its activities on Friday, up until around 7.30pm.

A spokesman confirmed that during the day, the team were alerted to 40 incidents - seven of which were priority zero (lights and sirens response).

"We're continuing heightened patrols in Flint under Op Restore," the spokesman explained.

"You may have seen us out and about. 


"You may have also seen us conducting stop searches - this can be a tense subject, but they are only done where there are grounds to do so and there is a clear auditable process for the officers involved.  

"We picked up some firearms today for destruction.

"These were licenced firearms that the owner wanted to surrender. 

"If you or anyone you know of has firearms, and they're not really sure what to do with them, you can always call us for advice and we can assist with their disposal.

"The same goes for knives. There are specific amnesty and recycling bins around the area.

"I had an antique crossbow surrendered once!"