Many people were dealt with by Wrexham and Mold Magistrates Courts on Tuesday (May 21).

They include...

Michael Burns, aged 48 and of Queensway in Wrexham, was sentenced for using threatening or abusive words or behaviour at Pont Wen in Wrexham on March 16 this year. He received a conditional discharge of 12 months and must pay £150 costs, as well as a £26 victim surcharge.

James Carpenter, aged 32 and of Davies Court in Wrexham, was sentenced for theft from shop; in that he stole £7.92 worth of food and drink from Ruabon Park Service Station in James Park Way, Ruabon, on February 13 this year. He was fined £100 for the offence and must pay £85 costs.


Jonathon Taylor, aged 35 and of Shaftesbury Avenue in Gwersyllt, was sentenced for being drunk and disorderly on May 5 this year at King Street in Wrexham.  He was fined £100 and must pay £85 costs.

Jason Turnbull, aged 35 and of West Circle in Wrexham, was sentenced for possession of cannabis, which took place on May 5 this year, and acquiring/possessing criminal property - namely cigarettes which had been stolen in a burglary and which he offered for sale as counterfeit goods between February and May this year. He was fined £100 and ordered to pay £85 costs, as well as a £40 victim surcharge. The court ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis.

Lewis Williams, aged 20 and of Whitegate Road in Wrexham, was sentenced for using threatening or abusive words or behaviour in Bridge Street, Wrexham on May 6 this year. He received a 12 month conditional discharge and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £26 victim surcharge.