​A WOMAN has been fined after attacking another mum at a schoolyard.

Chloe Jones, of Maes Glas in Treuddyn, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday for sentence.

The 28-year-old was convicted after trial of one offence of common assault, in that she assaulted Elaine Davies on July 17 last year.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 9am on the day of the offence, Ms Davies was at Parc y Llan primary school dropping her children off.

Jones was also there with a man, and when they walked past the victim, the man said: "What did you say?"

Ms Davies walked away but she heard the defendant shouting "what's she done?"

The shouting became louder and she turned to see Jones "chasing her," with the head teacher running behind.

The defendant swung her arms at the victim with clenched fists, trying to get closer to her, but the head teacher put himself between them in an attempt to stop the incident.

In her victim personal statement, Ms Davies said she found the whole situation "stressful" during and after.

"I'm in constant fear of a further incident or attack from Jones," she explained.

"I feel unsafe in my own village.

"It's not a nice way to live."


Ceri Lewis, defending, told the court: "They were at a school picnic last Friday - including the complainant - and there were no issues.

Ms Jones contacted the head teacher to ask if it was appropriate for her to attend and he responded 'yes I have no concerns whatsoever.'

"So there's been no cause for concern since July last year so far as the school is concerned.

"There are some issues in terms of her mental health in the pre-sentence report.

"And she has previous convictions going back to 2016 - not her finest moments.

"She has a lot going on. She goes to university, she has started a part time job where she's highly regarded.

"She has caring commitments to her mother and she's a very busy young lady who isn't proud of herself; she's expressed genuine remorse."

The court fined Jones £180 but opted not to order compensation as it was felt that to do so may exacerbate the situation between complainant and defendant.

Jones was made the subject of a 12 month restraining order prohibiting her from contacting or approaching Ms Davies, and she must pay £620 costs, as well as £72 victim surcharge.