PLANS for a Traveller family site in Flintshire have been submitted to the council.

This application is for the change of use of land off Gladstone Way in Hawarden for stationing of caravans for residential purposes, together with the formation of hardstanding and a utility/day room.

There would also be an entrance gate and fencing. 

The Leader: The site location is circled in red. The site location is circled in red. (Image: Planning documents)

The land, which is owned by the applicant, was subject to a similar application in 2022, which was rejected by Flintshire Council's planning committee on the grounds that it was deemed an inappropriate development in the open countryside, and that insufficient information had been submitted regarding a drainage solution. 


Planning documents submitted on behalf of the applicant, state: "Since the refusal of planning permission in 2022, the applicant and her family, which consists of 2 adults and 5 children (aged 2, 9, 11, 13 and 15), have moved from one unauthorised encampment to another, which has had a substantial negative effect on the family’s health and well-being, particularly given that two of the children have a medical condition that requires regular check ups at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

"Taking these factors into account and that there is no alternative, available or suitable pitch accommodation across the borough, the family have been forced to move onto their own land and look to develop the site for the safety and well-being of the family and the best interests of the children."

Flintshire Council aims to make a decision on the application by July 1, 2024.