Award-winning Icelandic football film 'The Home Game' will receive its Welsh premiere at Gŵyl Wal Goch Festival 2024.

It has been making waves on the film festival circuit and at the Wal Goch Festival in Wrexham, fans of film and football will be able to combine both their passions by watching the Icelandic football film.

Held on May 31-June 2, the Wal Goch Festival 2024 will be celebrating and exploring the rich tapestry of football fan culture from around the world and as in previous festivals, film - both shorts and feature length - is a prominent part of the festival programme.

Directed by Smari Gunn and Logi Sigursveinsson, The Home Game tells the story of Vidar Gylfason who built with his own hands in an isolated Icelandic village, a football pitch eligible to host a match in the country's national cup competition. 25 years later, his son is determined to bring the first team ever to play on his dad’s field.

Winning awards at New York’s Kicking + Screening Football Film Festival and the prestigious Audience Award at the recent Glasgow Film Festival, The Home Game is coming to Wrexham where it will be screened for the first time in Wales, at Wrexham Odeon at Eagle’s Meadow, Wrexham on June 2 at 10.30am.

Director, Smari Gunn said: "It’s a real treat to get to bring our feel good underdog story to our friends in Wales. We wanted to make a film that depicts the purest version of football - one of passion, joy and pride for your community. I’ve got a funny feeling that the festival-goers we meet in Wrexham will find a beautiful commonality with our little Icelandic village, and we look forward to sharing with you the journey of a charming team of misfits that became heroes for a day."


In addition to securing the filming rights of The Home Game, organisers are on the look out for volunteers to help with the event.

A Wal Goch spokesperson said: "Volunteers are the backbone of any festival, big or small. We are looking for enthusiastic people to join the festival team and make it a success! 

"It doesn't matter if you have previous experience of volunteering at festivals, or none at all; you will have plenty to offer. 

"We are also keen to hear if you have a specific area of interest/expertise e.g., filming, sound tech, working front of house, etc."

For further details and to apply to volunteer visit Wal Goch's website.