VOLUNTEERS who have held speeding motorists to account in a Flintshire town for years are now back in action.

Buckley Community Speedwatch (CSW) team was 'stood down' in September last year following the rollout of national 20mph speed limits.

Cllr Arnold Wooley, who co-ordinates the team, said it was due to fears over angry motorists taking out their frustrations about the speed limit scheme on volunteers, such as those in his group.

He has been calling for clarity from GoSafe ever since, stating his team was eager to return to their duties.

Now, some seven months later, the group is finally back at the roadside - and they are able to monitor in the 20mph zones as well.

On Tuesday, May 7, the team spent an hour monitoring at the junction of the A5118 and Padeswood Drive, which is a 40mph area. 

Cllr Woolley said the findings there were "very routine" with just eight speeders in the hour and a top speed of 53mph recorded.  

However, on Friday afternoon between 4.10pm and 5.10pm, the team was on Jubilee Road, by Jubilee Court.

Cllr Woolley explained: "[It is] supposed to be a 20mph area.

"In that hour we recorded 53 vehicles at or above the reportable speed of 26mph.

"We had a motorcyclist recorded at 42mph, with 25 cars or vans recorded doing speeds in the 30mph range, three in the 40mph range and one, our top speed for the hour, at 44mph. 

"Given that Jubilee Court consists of 62 bungalows for older people, which is appropriately signposted for motorists, one has to say that they all deserve the cautionary letters which they will shortly receive."

Cllr Woolley said he has also been very troubled by the standard of driving he and his colleagues have seen.

"The general behaviour on the roads at the moment makes me wonder how some of these people ever passed their tests," he said.

"The tailgating, no belts, phones being used - and the speeding. The quality of driving is abysmal.

"And whether you agree with the 20mph or not, it is the legal situation, so why don't people bother to take care about it?

"It may be irritating and we understand concerns of people like delivery drivers and taxi drivers who are facing a diminished income.

"But the law is the law and whether you like it or not, you should be obeying it."

However Cllr Woolley said he remains "as puzzled as everyone else" about what will happen next, given comments made by Transport Minister Ken Skates MS - in that guidance around the introduction of 20mph speed limits in built up areas 'will be corrected.'

Since their return to the roadside last week, Buckley Community Speedwatch team members have received "as many friendly waves and thumbs up as before," Cllr Wooley said.

But they have also seen "the usual people displaying single and two digits," he explained, adding: "That pattern hasn't changed." 

A GoSafe spokesman said: "GoSafe and Welsh policing are continuing to use an engagement focused approach to 20mph.

"Community Speed Watch teams will be working in 20mph areas to inform the public and help drivers adjust to the change in default speed limit."