There are plenty of memorable moments caught on film in today's gallery from the Leader archives, and two reader photos.

Hayley Jones shared a photo of Alexander School netball team, 1983. She can't remember everyone but named a few pictured - Hayley Jones (GD), Laurna Samuels (GA), Lindsey Howells (WA), Michelle Gibson (WD), Gaynor Jones, Gillian Haggerty and top right, Mrs Price.

And Margaret Edwards sent in this photo of the Metal Box factory team for It's A Knock Out, possibly Bellevue Park, Wrexham, about 50 years ago.

Do you recognise yourself in any of today's photos? Don't forget to tag friends or family if you spot them.

Do you have photos from the past you would like to share?

Did you miss?

Old school class pictures, maybe your Scout, Brownies or sports group, a village carnival or special celebration.

Perhaps you have team photos from your own days of sporting glory.

If you have any photos or memories to share, you can let us know here or email

To see more nostalgia and galleries from the Leader archives, visit our Local Bygones section.

For more pictures and chat from the past in Wrexham and Flintshire, then join our 'Local Bygones' Facebook group.