Hospitals should be places of safety - not conflict, abuse and violence.

These are the words of health chief Geoff Ryall-Harvey after the latest instance of hospital-based crime brought before the courts.

We reported recently how Harvey Gough, of Heol Hyfryd in Gwersyllt, appeared for sentence at Wrexham Magistrates Court.

The 19-year-old had previously admitted one offence of assaulting an emergency worker, which took place on October 23 last year.

Rhian Jackson, prosecuting, told the court police were called to the hospital due to Gough's behaviour.

He was outside the maternity ward demanding to see his new born daughter, but his ex-partner did not agree and consequently hospital staff did not permit him to enter.

From there, his behaviour deteriorated and saw him screaming at staff including a midwife, as well as becoming abusive with and pushing police.

The court heard staff were concerned for the safety of mums and babies on the ward, who would have heard everything given the proximity of the incident.

Mr Ryall-Harvey, regional director for north Wales at Llais (which replaced the North Wales Community Health Council in 2023), said: "This is the sort of behaviour you usually see on a Saturday night in A&E after the pubs close.

"He has frightened vulnerable people. It's completely unacceptable.

"I recognise this man is very young, but that's no excuse and he's not helped himself here.

"This sort of behaviour is something that will worry staff and it just creates an atmosphere people don't want to work in any more."

Mr Ryall-Harvey urges people who find themselves in situations like the defendant to go through the proper channels for advice and guidance, rather than resorting to abuse and violence.

"The staff here were just doing their duty," he said.

"I am sorry for the young man; it's always sad when people are in this situation.

"But there are people in the health board and on the ward who would have advised him.

"He could have gone to so many places for help rather than turning up here and kicking off.

"It solves nothing and just gets you in so much trouble.

"There's a zero-tolerance policy for the NHS and there's a reason for that.

"These should be places of safety, not conflict.

"I hope he reflects on that."