A long-awaited new footpath will mean a safer route for children and residents in a Flintshire town, it has been said.

Buckley Councillor Carol Ellis told the Leader of her joy after years of efforts to secure the new path finally moved forward - thanks to funding secured by Flintshire County Council.

She said: "Residents have wanted a footpath linking Bryn Road to White Farm Road and I have been trying for and requesting this for years.

"It's really important to people who live round there - I have had numerous requests.

"Flintshire Council officers have been successful in getting funds from the Welsh Government to actually put this footpath in.


"I am very grateful to the officers for being persistent and helping me see this through."

Cllr Ellis said the current alternative is walking along a fast road backed by Buckley Common - which sometimes becomes waterlogged.

"This path will make things much safer for people," she said.

Part of the challenge in getting the scheme off the ground is securing a licence to install the footpath, Cllr Ellis explained.

"Because it's common land, the council has to apply for a licence," she said.

"And the path can't just be a tarmac one for example - it has to be made with certain materials.

"It's not a straight forward thing.

"The process of obtaining the licence has slowed things down but I am hoping they will be able to start work in the next four or five weeks."

A council spokesman added: "Flintshire County Council has successfully secured Welsh Government grant funding for footway improvements in Alltami. 

"The scheme will enhance pedestrian safety for residents, while providing a safe walking route for pupils who attend the surrounding schools. Works are expected to commence this spring."