A FLINTSHIRE campaigner is teaming up with police in a bid to educate children about the dangers of knife crime.

The Leader has previously reported on the efforts of Shotton campaigner Edwin Duggan to press for the creation of a dedicated government minister for the prevention of knife crime.

As Mr Duggan's anti-knife crime campaigning continues, he met with North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin to see how he could work with North Wales Police to drive the issue forward.

Following the meeting, he said: "We discussed my current campaign to encourage the government to at minimum debate the pros and cons of creating a Dedicated Minister for Knife Crime Prevention.  

"Moreover we discussed at length what we could do to tackle knife crime locally and potentially across the whole of North Wales. 

"We were in agreement that Operation Sceptre should be conducted more often than what is currently done, potentially all year round rather than what is offered at the moment."

Mr Duggan and the PCC also discussed a possible campaign or a direct lobby to Parliament to make it illegal to sell any knife to persons under the age of 18.  

"Whilst the current law (Criminal justice Act 1988, Knives Act 1997) prohibits the sale of a knife to anyone under this age," Mr Duggan continued, "a person under this age can purchase a pocket knife under three inches.

"Under our proposal we would close this 'loophole.'

"A three-inch blade - indeed a one inch - can kill.

"We also agreed that there is scope for a pragmatic approach, rather than punitive, insofar as we have decided that it would be a good idea to take the message into schools with a view to providing information to pupils about the dangers of carrying a knife.

"This will be a joint venture between myself and the police.  

"I will be writing to schools initially across Flintshire to explore if this is something that would be welcomed by headteachers."

Mr Dunbobbin said: "My recent meeting with Eddie Duggan was positive and informative and it was helpful to explore the ways we could cooperate on knife crime prevention. 

"While offences with knives remain thankfully low in North Wales, it is important for us all to act together to drive them down still further. 

"An effective way of doing this is through outreach and education, in addition to action from the police. 

"Operation Sceptre is an example of how police are raising awareness and taking action around knife crime. 

"This operation focuses on intensified action on knife crime, including targeted stop and searches, weapon sweeps, test purchases of knives from retailers, and the use of surrender bins.

“As Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, I have a responsibility to tackle and prevent serious violence in communities.


"Called the Serious Violence Duty, it means that I act as lead convenor in making councils and local services work together to share information and target interventions to prevent and reduce serious violence. 

"In addition to this, delivering safer neighbourhoods is a key priority within my plan to combat crime and build resilient communities.

"Knife crime damages lives and can kill, it is vital that we work together to stop this menace in its tracks.”