PLANS to expand a centre offering services to those living with neurological conditions have the full backing of Mark Tami MP.

The Member of Parliament for Alyn and Deeside returned to the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney recently to hear about their latest project.

Chief executive officer Jane Johnston-Cree and chairman Lorraine Dodd explained how the expansion is partly driven by the fact that one in 10 people are affected by a condition that the centre, now in its 39th year, supports.

Lorraine Dodd, chair of trustees, Mark Tami MP and Jane Johnston-Cree, chief executive officer at the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney.

Lorraine Dodd, chair of trustees, Mark Tami MP and Jane Johnston-Cree, chief executive officer at the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney.

Ms Johnston-Cree said: "The expansion means more people will have the opportunity to invest in their own health. The NHS is good at dealing with acute problems, but is not in a position to provide ongoing support. For our people to be able to live well with their condition they need access to support, advice and the opportunity to exercise safely somewhere that understands their condition."

At present, the centre has a small gym with standard and specialist gym equipment, a hyperbaric chamber, and rooms for massage, physiotherapy, counselling, acupuncture and other activities.

The gym expansion will increase capacity from five to 15 people working out at any one time, and a new fitness instructor has joined in preparation. The current gym will be used for craft and other quiet wellbeing activities, and is ideally situated next to the counselling room. The new unit has a large gym room, a therapy room, disabled changing facilities, and an office.

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The present cafe and reception area will receive a revamp, offering more space and choice for service users to enjoy a hot drink or meal between activities.

The Neuro Therapy Centre is aiming to replicate a project they are already running in England across North Wales. This will offer the opportunity of see leisure service employees to gain a level 4 qualification in neurological conditions so that they can support clients with those conditions in their local leisure centres, and work with referral organisations to raise awareness of the centres face-to-face and online services.

Mr Tami said: "It's been great to catch up with the management team at the Neuro Therapy Centre and hear more about their ambitious plans.

"We discussed a number of practical ways in which I can support the project and I look forward to coming back to see the changes. The centre supports so many people in such a valuable way, and I'm delighted to see it continue to grow and expand its support to as many people as possible."