A ZUMBATHON event has collected over £1,700 for a Deeside woman diagnosed with cancer for a second time.

The event was held in aid of Ceri Boden - a wife and mother of two who is currently battling terminal cancer.

Ceri, from Connah's Quay, has previously already beaten breast cancer once, but recently received a second devastating diagnosis.

Deeside residents, alongside Ceri's family and friends, have been raising funds for treatment for her that is currently only available in Germany.

As part of that fundraising, a group of friends and family hosted the Zumbathon at the Civic Hall in Connah's Quay last Friday (January 26).

A total sum of £1,768 was raised for Ceri and her family as Zumba Queen Netty Hodson put those who took part through their paces for a good cause.


One-hundred dancers took part in the event for Ceri, who has been hailed as an 'inspiration' to those who know her best.

Friend Eve Stockley, who took part, said: "It was such a good night, we raised £1,768 for Ceri and the family and the turnout was amazing!

The Leader: PIC by Eve Stockley shows the Zumbathon in full swing at Connah's Quay Civic Hall.

"Netty kept the 100 dancers energised for the whole 90 minutes and women of all ages came out to show their support.

"Their were mothers, daughters and grandmothers, cousins, friends, aunts and nieces -  collectively enjoying the same event and raising much needed funds for a local inspirational lady!"

"The civic hall staff were also so accommodating and made the event run smoothly!"