A COMMUNITY minded Mold-based business has named its charity of the year for 2024.

The P&A Group revealed that employees have voted North East Wales Mind as the company's charity to support over the next 12 months.

Steve Morgan, managing director of the P&A Group said: "Our team of employees is very dedicated to raising money for charity and this year have voted to raise funds for North East Wales Mind. The charity's face-to-face, phone and online services offer vital support to people dealing with mental health issues, which is sadly needed more now than ever before.

Employees sign up to Mind fundraising events.

Employees sign up to Mind fundraising events.

"Every year our employees challenge themselves to come up with innovative ways to raise money for a good cause and there is a host of exciting events planned.

"From an abseil down Liverpool Cathedral to taking part in the Manchester Marathon and the Chester Santa Dash, there are a number of physical challenges planned as well as tried and trusted favourites such as various raffles and a quiz night.

"We're all really looking forward to getting started and hope to raise as much money as we can for this very worthwhile charity."

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Employees of the P&A Group have set a fundraising target of £10,000 for 2024. Other charity initiatives to reach this target include, a Time to Talk cake day, 'a month without' and a daily steps challenge.

North East Wales Mind helps people in Flintshire and Wrexham recover from mental health problems and stay emotionally healthy. In addition to face-to-face, phone counselling and emotional support, the charity offers a range of online services and activities. Their phone lines are open from 10am to 4pm each weekday.

Employees sign up to Mind fundraising events.

Employees sign up to Mind fundraising events.

Natasha Wait, business development and fundraising lead for North East Wales Mind added: "We're delighted that the P&A Group has chosen to support North East Wales Mind in 2024.

"The company has an impressive track record of raising a lot of money for charity and we're thrilled that fundraising for our worthwhile charity will take place this year through lots of different events and challenges."

Over the last 14 years the P&A Group has raised more than £150,000 for a range of charities including Dementia UK, British Heart Foundation, Macmillan Cancer Support, Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith Children's Hospices, Cancer Research UK, Action for Children, Alzheimer's Society, Alder Hey Children's Hospital and Meningitis Now.

• To donate to North East Wales Mind, visit www.p-a-group.com/charity