THE nurturing core of a Wrexham primary school has been highlighted in its latest Estyn inspection.

Black Lane CP School in Pentre Broughton, was visited by inspectors in November last year, and was deemed a "a caring and nurturing school".

The report added: "Senior leaders promote a vision that focuses on striving to ensure that everyone is happy, healthy and safe.

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"All staff share this vision. They are compassionate and support the needs of individual pupils well. As a result, pupils have high levels of wellbeing across the school."

It continued: "Within the positive learning environment, most pupils make good progress in all areas of learning during their time in school. Pupils and staff enjoy being a part of Black Lane Primary and they are proud of their school."

The school, which currently has 148 pupils, was further praised: "Senior leaders, supported by governors, work diligently to evaluate the school's strengths and to identify areas in need of improvement.

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"They plan for change effectively and have a strong track record of improving teaching and learning. For example, they have improved provision to develop pupils' Welsh language skills."

The report also recognised the inclusivity at the Black Lane: "The support for pupils in need of additional help with their learning is a strength of the school.

"There are effective arrangements in place to identify and meet pupils' needs during their time at the school."

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On its relationship with parents and the wider school community, the report stated: "The school collaborates well with parents and the local community. Parents have beneficial opportunities to visit school and engage in their child's learning journey through regular 'come and see' sessions.

"Pupils enjoy the many opportunities to perform and to meet people that live and work in the local area, to enhance their learning experiences."

Headteacher Beccy Fox said: "We are delighted with the report and the recognition that the school is a caring, nurturing and inclusive environment where pupils feel valued.

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"All staff and governors work diligently to achieve the best for the pupils at Black Lane. It recognises the exciting learning experiences and the strong progress pupils make in literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills across the school.

"We are extremely proud of the recognition of the standards of Welsh in our school highlighting that the provision for developing Welsh is a strength."

There were only two recommendations highlighted in the report: ensure that teaching and planned activities challenge all pupils and support them to make the progress of which they are capable of, and further develop outdoor learning experiences for pupils.

The school will draw up an action plan to address both recommendations.