WREXHAM'S annual Christmas Appeal, Everyone Deserves A Christmas (EDAC), is taking place once again this year to support individuals and families who are most in need.

On Wednesday (December 20) Wrexham’s MP, Sarah Atherton MP was at Mecca Bingo to complete the final stage of the local community appeal, Everyone Deserves A Christmas (EDAC). 

Ms Atherton joined co-organisers, Vicky Davies, Wrexham Rotary Club; Lenny Lubega and Tiffany Thain, Mecca Bingo Wrexham and Kath Williams, Caia Park Partnership.

The organisers were joined by volunteers and donors who all gathered to pack hampers and gift bags before delivery across the borough. 

The hampers are filled with essential food items, fresh meats, and treats, and gift bags have been prepared for households to enjoy for the festive period. 

Last year, EDAC provided 111 hampers and 100 gift bags to support individuals and families in need across Wrexham during Christmas. This year, the appeal will provide 120 food hampers and over 130 gift bags.

Since this year’s appeal commenced in October, Ms Atherton has led a campaign to secure donations from residents and Wrexham businesses, with almost £1,000 being donated via the EDAC JustGiving page.

Wockhardt UK, Wrexham Club Ties and TACP Architects joined Ms Atherton in making generous donations to the appeal, as did several residents.  

The appeal was also backed by grant funding and financial support from other organisations, including Mecca Bingo. 

Sarah Atherton MP said: “I am delighted that EDAC will be supporting over one hundred households this Christmas. This year, the appeal will provide substantially more hampers and gift bags than in previous years, and it is fantastic to see the community rally behind such a meaningful cause.  

The Leader:

“With less than a week to go until Christmas, it was great to be a part of the packing morning earlier today. Individuals and organisations came together, bringing the festive spirit, to pack the hampers before delivery to recipients. 

“I would like to thank fellow organisers, businesses, residents, volunteers and other third-party organisations that have donated and played a crucial part in delivering the appeal.” 

Lenny Lubega, general manager at Mecca Bingo Wrexham, said: "This is the fourth and biggest year of our Everyone Deserves a Christmas hamper appeal.


"We know it’s been a challenging year for many moneywise and Christmas should be a magical time, so we are determined to make it special for as many people as possible.

"Our hampers are packed with everything needed for a wonderful Christmas, and we’d like to say a huge thank you to all our customers and staff for their fundraising and a massive Happy Christmas to all the partners who’ve helped with the packaging and distribution.

"Together we hope we’ve spread a little cheer this Christmas!”