TEACHERS, staff, and students at a Flintshire high school are celebrating after receiving a glowing report following their recent Estyn inspection.

With the release of the report, Argoed High School headteacher Paul Smith, said: "We are delighted with this report that recognises the hard work and excellent standards achieved at Argoed, not just academically, but across a range of skills and contexts, including how our students are supported in their wellbeing and emotional development."

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The report states: "The inclusive and nurturing nature of the school ensures that most pupils feel safe, behave well and take pride in their school. The positive working relationships between pupils and staff, and the pastoral care the school provides for its pupils are notable strengths."

In lessons, "many pupils, including those pupils who have additional learning needs, make secure progress in their knowledge, understanding and skills," and "a majority of pupils express their opinions confidently and clearly, explaining their viewpoints sensibly." The report goes on to say that "many pupils develop their higher order reading skills of inference and deduction well, particularly in their English lessons".

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The majority of pupils have "suitable number skills", "sound data handling skills", and "many pupils develop their digital skills well in their information and communication technology (ICT) lessons, where they develop their understanding of higher order digital skills such as coding and writing formulae in spreadsheets".

In other areas of learning, pupils were reported to "develop their creativity well" and in their English lessons, "pupils produce imaginative pieces of creative writing, making effective use of ambitious vocabulary and literary techniques when writing a twisted fairy tale". In Welsh, "most pupils have secure reading skills".

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Under the evaluation of wellbeing and attitudes to learning, pupils "enjoy school and say they are respected and treated fairly. They are proud to be part of the Argoed school community".

Pupils "behave well in lessons and when moving around school. This contributes to a calm and focused learning environment". The report also praised the wide range of learning opportunities outside of timetabled lessons and states that pupils "develop valuable life experiences through opportunities such as Year 10 work experience".

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Another key point noted in the report was that "whole-school attendance has improved over the last academic year and is now well above the national average".

Teachers have "high expectations of (pupil) behaviour and engagement, and successfully create a calm, purposeful learning environment", and "plan their lessons carefully to challenge pupils".

Within care, support and guidance, the report states that: "The school's provision for pupils' spiritual and moral development is a strength. Pupils develop a clear understanding of right and wrong through discussions during tutor time, presentations in weekly assemblies and planned whole-school awareness days on important themes such as generosity and respect." In addition, "pupils with additional learning needs make sound progress".

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Leadership and management is another strength of the school with the headteacher providing "energetic, passionate leadership. His care for the school, its pupils and its community is clear. He has high ambitions for the school and clearly understands the main improvements that need to be made to achieve them. The headteacher's vision of nurturing a happy, successful school is clear, and shared by staff and governors alike".

Nikki Pearce, chair of Governors, said: "To see how far Argoed High School has come over the last few years is an absolute inspiration. The hard work, passion, and care that everyone puts in on a daily basis and the support that we, as a school, have received from parents and carers is humbling. I am so proud to receive this amazing Estyn report; it is an absolute credit to all involved."