POLITICIANS are calling for the operators of landfill site to hold an open day for residents to voice their concerns about smells blighting the community.

Clwyd South MS Ken Skates and David Bithell, Wrexham county councillor for Johnstown, met with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) on Thursday (December 7) to press for action to resolve the worsening situation at the under-fire Hafod tip.

A "rotten egg" smell has plagued the village in Wrexham for almost two months, with the issue still ongoing. 

The 'atrocious' smell first came about in the middle of October, and despite NRW stating they believed they had found the cause, the odour continues to impact the community. 

Mr Skates said: “I have been contacted by numerous residents over the past couple of weeks who are utterly fed up with the stench coming from the site. I run in the area regularly and agree with local people that it’s actually getting worse.

“It can’t go on like this. Cllr Bithell and I will continue to push for stricter enforcement and better protection from emissions for residents.”

Cllr Bithell said: “We made clear our position that action needs to be taken by NRW to address the odour complaints. Local residents also need to have confidence in the site operator, Enovert, that it’s operating in line with its permit conditions.

“NRW stated that they are working with Enovert on a revised plan to address these issues and assured us they will scrutinise the plans to ensure they sufficiently address the gas leakage. We welcome their intervention as the regulator.”

Cllr Bithell added: “We will be meeting with NRW again after Christmas for a progress report and asked that all actions are communicated with the surrounding communities with regard to what is being done to address local people’s concerns. We want the site operator to be proactive rather than reactive in dealing with complaints.”


Mr Skates and Cllr Bithell both wrote to NRW’s Head of North East Wales Operations last month and were told investigations into the smell were ongoing. NRW said Enovert had brought forward work on the current operational landfill cell which had been scheduled for the end of the year.

Both are encouraging residents to keep reporting issues to NRW by contacting the 24/7 Incident Communication Centre on 03000 65 3000.

David Powell, NRW Operations Manager for North East Wales, said: “NRW inspectors are continuing investigations into the cause of odour emissions at Hafod Landfill.  We have identified parts of the site which have been giving rise to these odours.

“We continue to liaise with the site operator Enovert North, who are implementing their action plan to contain the odour and comply with their environmental permit.

“We will be completing a further audit of the site next week and the report will be published on NRW’s public register in due course.”

An Enovert spokesperson said: "Enovert has taken proactive steps in response to recent complaints made to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) referencing odours emanating from the Hafod landfill site.  

"Enovert has engaged directly with NRW and a number of complainants to explain operations and ongoing remedial works at the site. As a result, Enovert has brought forward scheduled works to extend the landfill gas collection and capping systems which will help to reduce odour emissions and has provided updates to NRW on the progress of this activity.

"Enovert is currently preparing to install an area of temporary plastic capping to rapidly complete works agreed with NRW - materials are on site but deployment has been delayed by inclement weather conditions. Enovert will install the temporary cap at the earliest available opportunity. 

"Enovert will continue to provide updated action plans to NRW on a regular basis which can be shared with stakeholders and members of the local community. 

"Enovert currently holds regular community liaison meetings which are attended by representatives of those communities local to the site, as well as representatives from NRW. The meetings provide a forum where concerns can be raised, and operational details, including the updates provided to NRW, can be shared with the local community. Enovert will continue to use the community liaison meetings to advise the local community about its operations and the works that are being undertaken to address complaints."