COUNCILLORS voted against plans for a digital poster in the centre of Wrexham due to it being proposed in a conservation area.

Plans for a free-standing double-sided digital ‘poster’ on Hope Street were discussed by councillors, which would be housed in a black steel enclosed unit. It would be 2.2m high, nearly 1.1m wide and 0.375m deep.

One poster on Lord Street was delegated to officers for approval, but the Hope Street plans were objected to by the community council due to the impact on the environment, so it went to the Planning Committee, which met on Monday, December 4.

During the meeting, Cllr Marc Jones (Plaid) for Grosvenor said: “On a personal level I don’t think they add anything to the town centre conservation areas.”


He added that there is a climate emergency and that the digital poster would use the same amount of electric as “three average homes”. He said it wasn’t a “material planning objection", but that he doesn’t see them adding to the centre of Wrexham.

However, Cllr Jeremy Kent (Con) for Gresford East/West said that he would be supporting the plans due to the support it would give local businesses, which the poster would promote.

However, permission was refused by councillors due to the digital poster being proposed within the Town Centre Conservation Area.