A POLICE Sergeant has thanked kind-hearted residents for their donations towards an operation supporting domestic violence victims over Christmas.

This year, police across Wrexham (Rural and City) have rolled out Operation Liberty again.

The scheme is designed to raise awareness with the local community regarding domestic violence and provide support to survivors, namely adults and children, of domestic violence through care packages and community support. 

Officers have been collecting donations from local communities which consist of unused/new condition items such as health and beauty items, toys, books, pyjamas, colouring and craft items. 

These items will be put into the care packages and distributed by officers who are attending at Domestic Abuse incidents over Christmas.

The Leader: Image: North Wales PoliceImage: North Wales Police (Image: NWP)Wrexham Rural Sergeant Sophie Ho said: “We know that domestic abuse is prevalent and is escalated during the festive period, and we know how distressing this can be for victims, families and children.

“In these situations, we recognise that people are scared, vulnerable and they may wish to flee at short notice with very few personal possessions to seek refuge with friends or family members.

“The sight of uniformed officers arriving at a home to intervene in a domestic violence report, particularly one where young children are present, might also be a frightening experience, at what should be a happy period.

“Operation Liberty is an initiative that will run across all of Wrexham, and see officers distributing care packages for women and children in such situations to provide some form of reassurance during difficult times.


“The packages will be carried in all fleet vehicles within the Wrexham area and will include new and unused essential items, including comforting and health and wellbeing goods for adults, and toys, colouring books and food and drinks for children."

The initiative, now in its third year, will run between December 1 and January 4.

North Wales Police is continuing to ask local businesses and community enterprises in Wrexham for their help in recognising domestic abuse and supporting their customers.

The Leader: Image: North Wales PoliceImage: North Wales Police (Image: NWP)Businesses who take part are shown how they can provide a safe space for victims, as well as being provided learning around what domestic abuse is, how to spot the signs and how to signpost victims to the correct support agencies.

More information is available here.

Anyone who has any concerns about domestic abuse, can contact police directly on 101, or via the website here.

Alternatively, you can seek support from the Live Fear Free helpline on 0808 80 10 800.

Sgt Ho added: “The operation hopes not only to give survivors something positive over the festive period, but also to counteract any negative experiences children might feel following police intervention.     

“I would like to thank everybody who has been kind enough to donate towards the care packages across Wrexham over the past month.”