THE PEOPLE for the Ethical Treatment of Animals association is bringing an alternative Christmas advert to Wrexham's cinema.

PETA’s new Christmas advert, featuring the voice of Absolutely Fabulous and Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget star Jane Horrocks, is coming to big screens in Wrexham. 

Coming to Wrexham's ODEON cinema throughout this festive season is a cartoon Christmas advert aiming to encourage residents to swap to a meat-free alternative.

Made in collaboration with creative agency House 337, the spot tells the story of Tessa, a jolly young turkey who sings while she marvels at many of today’s Christmas customs, like The Elf on the Shelf.

But things take a dark turn when Tessa finds herself seized and sent to an abattoir – the fate that awaits most turkeys in real life – where she questions how killing sensitive animals for the Christmas table can have a place in today’s world.

The spot ends with a simple appeal to kill the tradition, not the turkey, by trying a vegan meal instead.

Jane said: “I’m proud to be giving a voice to Tessa, a curious little turkey who questions why millions of birds are killed for the Christmas table each year when so many other options exist.


“I hope the spot encourages kind souls everywhere to explore vegan dishes that offer some peace on Earth to animals this festive season.”

PETA Vice President of Programmes Elisa Allen said: “Turkeys are smart, social individuals who don’t want or deserve to be dinner, and there is a wealth of kind and tasty animal-friendly options available to choose from.

“Tradition doesn’t excuse cruelty, and PETA urges Wrexham locals to spread festive cheer to all this Christmas by preparing and enjoying a vegan feast.”