FESTIVE partygoers have been urged not to "ruin someone's Christmas" by taking a blade out with them.

It was announced in recent days that young people in Wales have been made the focus of a new campaign to encourage them to look out for signs that someone may be carrying a knife and to report what they know 100 per cent anonymously.

Crimestoppers, and its youth service Fearless, launched the campaign in a bid to reduce knife crime across the country. 

It will involve giving young people and the wider community key facts about knife carrying, what to look out for and how to make a difference by speaking up anonymously.

Anti-knife campaigner Danny Maddocks lost his 34-year-old brother Craig when he was was murdered in a knife attack at the Cambrian Vaults pub, Wrexham, on June 26, 2013.

He welcomed the Crimestoppers scheme and issued his own message to parents, as well as those who are to attend Christmas parties in the coming weeks.

"If you have children," he said, "make sure they aren't carrying anything.

"And if you do see anyone carrying a knife - do not approach them. But make sure you report it."

Alongside North Wales Police and the Youth Justice Service, the campaigner has worked with schools in Wrexham to educate young people about the dangers of knife crime and has been moving towards delivering such sessions in Flintshire schools.

He added: "If you're going out, leave the knives at home.

"If you're willing to carry one, you're willing to use one - and the results can be devastating.

"Don't ruin someone's Christmas. This is a time to spend with family and friends - without the danger of someone carrying a blade."

Mr Maddocks confirmed he is to resume his work with schools after the New Year.

Information about people carrying knives can be given via Fearless.org, by calling 0800 555 111 at any time or via Crimestoppers-uk.org. The charity is independent of the police.

Hayley Fry, Wales National Manager for the charity Crimestoppers, said: “Encouraging young people to speak up about crime anonymously and without fear of retribution is at the heart of Fearless. 

"For this campaign, we particularly want to ask them to report people they’re worried about who are carrying knives.

“We’re also reaching out to adults who may know someone carrying a knife and appealing to them to make ‘a hard call’ to our charity. 

"We have always kept our promise of anonymity to everyone who contacts us. Young people can pass on crime information 100 per cent anonymously at Fearless.org.

“Our charity takes information and passes on what we’re told. We are proud of our independence from the police and our guarantee of anonymity for everyone who contacts us.”