STAFF AT a Tesco store in Flintshire have teamed up with the local community to support foodbanks and charities in the build-up to Christmas.

The Trussell Trust says that foodbanks are this year facing their busiest winter ever and that 'every donation' can help make a 'real difference'.

With that in mind, staff at the Tesco store in Broughton have been urging residents to donate food items to help support those in need this Christmas.

They have been collecting items to support the Trussell Trust, Flintshire Foodbank and Fareshare.

The collection, held between Thursday (November 30) and Saturday (December 2), has seen a number of food items donated.

These include; UHT milk, tinned meat and fish, tinned meals, tinned fruit, sponge/rice puddings, coffee and so much more.


Politicians Jack Sargeant and Mark Tami, who paid a visit to the store last week, said: “A huge thank you to all the staff at Tesco staff in Broughton for organising this collection to support the Trussell Trust and Fareshare.

“As the cost of living crisis continues into another winter it is great to see people coming together to help each other.  If you are in Broughton this weekend why not pop along and make a donation, your support will make a huge difference to someone struggling this winter.”