A MAN has been warned he may be going to prison in the New Year after admitting an offence of wounding.

Brian Harrod, of Vernon Street in Wrexham, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Tuesday morning.

The 48-year-old admitted that on June 14 this year, he had in his possession an offensive weapon - a monkey wrench - and that he unlawfully wounded a man named Lee Harrison.

He further admitted that on that date, he threatened to destroy or damage Mr Harrison's car.

Philip Tully, defending: "I understand, and Mr Harrod understands, that this is a serious case.

"But given the level of injury and the mitigation, in my submission, the court would be assisted by a full pre-sentence report."

The Leader:

Recorder Simon Mills agreed, telling the defendant: "Mr Harrod, you've pleaded guilty and the court will sentence you on January 11, 2024.

"The fact you've pleaded guilty, no doubt on very good advice, will be reflected in your sentence.

"Having said that, it is not going to be me that passes sentence - and I don't know what your sentence is going to be.


"I want the pre-sentence report to consider all options; custody and alternatives. 

"This is a serious case and you are at risk of an immediate custodial sentence.

"In case that happens, you should get your affairs in order."