A WREXHAM man punched his ex-girlfriend at a pub in an 'alcohol-fuelled' assault, a court heard.

Paul Probert, of Carlton Grange, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday morning for sentence.

The 41-year-old had previously admitted that on June 4 in Wrexham, he assaulted Beth Tattum by beating her.

Prosecutor Adam Warner told the court the victim and defendant had formerly been in a relationship.

On the day of the offence, which took place at a city centre pub, she told him to leave - following which he slapped his glass on the table and punched her to the head.

When Probert was interviewed about the assault the next day, he admitted he'd "had a lot to drink" and that when he saw the victim at the pub, she "began to wind him up."

A probation officer told the court the incident had come about after Probert had a "loss of control" and that it constituted "an alcohol-fuelled domestic incident in a licenced premises."

Laura MacMillan, defending, told the court that while her client was not alcohol dependent, he nevertheless wanted to address his intake.

"He welcomes the chance to be free from alcohol," she said.

"And he is hoping to get into a routine of not drinking.

"He accepts that when he drinks, it results in his behaviour.

The Leader:

"The relationship between the pair was turbulent and involved drinking heavily on both parts.

"He doesn't have any plans to reconcile with her."

Nigel Gilkes, chairman of the magistrates, told the defendant: "Mr Probert, this was a serious matter - punching someone to the head in a public house.

"It's made more serious by the fact the person you punched is an ex-partner of yours and you do have some previous history of previous assault and related convictions.


"When you drink, you lose control - so our intent here is to punish you, but also to offer you help."

Probert received a 12 month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity and an 80 day alcohol abstinence monitoring programme.

He must also pay a £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.