DOMESTIC abuse will never be tolerated in any of its forms, a Police Inspector has said.

The statement was made by Inspector Claire McGrady as part of White Ribbon Day - an annual event that raises the awareness of activism against gender-based violence. 

This global campaign runs for 16 days until December 10, International Human Rights Day.

This year Wrexham Council wanted to try something different in sharing information on violence against women, coercive behaviour, and the vital contact details of organisations where you can get help.

Their Keep Your Heart campaign has seen an army of volunteers share hearts across Wrexham City. 

Anyone who finds one is encouraged to keep it - The hearts have a QR code on them that when scanned forwards the user to a document of useful information should they themselves, or people they know need help.

The Leader: One of the hearts shared across Wrexham (Wrexham Council)One of the hearts shared across Wrexham (Wrexham Council) (Image: Wrexham Council)The campaign is being run in conjunction with Safer Streets, North Wales Police and the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. Thanks also to ASAP signs in Wrexham.

An event marking White Ribbon Day was held at Ty Pawb on Friday.

Inspector McGrady, who attended on the day, said: “Domestic abuse can take many forms; from emotional, physical, financial, or sexual. 

"It is any kind of violent or threatening behaviour and it can happen to anyone, but it should never be accepted.

“It has a devastating impact on the victims who suffer its many forms. 


"White Ribbon Day helps to raise awareness of domestic abuse and gives victims confidence to come forward and report it.

"Working in conjunction with our partners in both statutory and voluntary agencies, we take all steps that we can to protect the victim, children and witnesses from further harm and to try to prevent any recurrence.”

Cllr Beverley Parry Jones, Gender-based violence, domestic abuse and sexual violence Champion at Wrexham Council, said: “We all have a role to play in keeping people safe, events such as White Ribbon Day and our ‘keep your heart’ campaign play a big role in raising the issues around gender based violence, as well as giving advice on where to get help."

For advice and signposting to support services, visit the North Wales Police website.