A BAN on dogs at a park in Wrexham will not be put in place following a spate of attacks earlier this year. 

Towards the end of June and throughout July, a number of dog attacks took place at Rhosddu Park in Wrexham. 

The increase in incidents, which included people being bitten, as well as other dogs being attacked, saw concerns raised among residents. 

North Wales Police asked owners to keep their dogs on leads and warned of the potential consequences if failing to do so - which included dogs being destroyed.

There were also risks of dogs being banned from the park to reduce further incidents. 


However, since July there have been no further attacks, much to the delight of Rhosddu community councillor Marc Jones.

Cllr Jones was very vocal throughout the spate of incidents in the park, hoping to find resolutions, but wary of the punishment if issues continued. 

He said they were the only dog attacks in his ward during his six-year tenure as councillor and is pleased that no further issues have arisen.

Cllr Marc Jones added: "Since the spate of dog attacks, things have quietened down. In my six years as a councillor for the area, these are the only dog attacks that have been reported and they all happened within a month. Hopefully they were an unfortunate coincidence.

"The police have spoken to all involved and I'm confident that responsible dog owners can continue to exercise their dogs on the park. The council has decided against a ban on dogs, which I support."