VOLUNTEERS who have spent years holding speeding motorists to account in their community are "standing by" to return to their duties as soon as police give them the go-ahead, it has been said.

The Leader reported last month how the Buckley Community Speedwatch team was 'stood down' by police over concerns they may be targeted by angry motorists over the 20mph speed limit rollout.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, said while his volunteers remain stood down, he believes they would want to return to the roadside as soon as GoSafe gives them the green light.

He said: "We've heard zilch - we are still stood down until further notice.

"We don't know when, or if, it will be resumed.

"It's a case of wait and see, but don't hold your breath.

"But if GoSafe said 'go for it' and lifted the stand down order, I am certain all members of my team would want to get back to it.

"We are standing by."

Speaking of the circumstances surrounding the 'stand down order' he said:

"GoSafe is controlling the thing and all we got was an instruction to say - 'you're stood down'.

"We were previously monitoring the 30s and 40s - not the 20mph zone.

"But they were very worried that apparently the inherent anger built up over the 20 business would result in violence towards the teams at the roadside."

Cllr Woolley said the motoring public is "split" between those who are doing their best to stick to the 20mph rules, and "those who are waving two fingers at it and roaring along."

However, he said: "I think people have now got to the stage where they realise the 20 is here to stay and that complaining and misbehaving over it isn't really a thing that can go on forever more.

"They may not like it - even I have reservation about the blanket 20 - but I do really feel that people are slowly accepting it."

When the team stood down in September, a GoSafe spokesman explained: "Community Speed Watch groups form one of the different methods we use to engage with communities across Wales, to ensure the speed limit is respected.

"We will continue to work closely with our CSW groups across Wales, to ensure that they are well informed and can continue to serve their communities safely.

"We will support their activity as we all work together to make our roads safer."

The organisation was approached by the Leader for further comment.