VOLUNTEERS who hold speeding motorists to account have been instructed to cease activities after concern they may be targeted by angry people protesting the new 20mph rules.

The Leader reported recently how the Buckley Community Speedwatch (CSW) team had their operations reduced to a single road - Padeswood Drive on the A5118, by Padeswood Cement works - to coincide with the new 20mph default speed zones.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, has now confirmed however that all CSW groups across Wales have been instructed to halt all activities until further notice as a result of growing opposition to the national rollout.

READ MORE: Changes to Buckley speedwatch activities due to 20mph zones

He said: "Our manager has informed us CSW activities are to be temporarily suspended.

"They are a little worried because of the number of vandalizations to signage and the growing number of people signing up to the petition [opposing the scheme.].

"We always get a bit of abuse at the roadside - we see foul mouths telling us to get a life and people who can count to one and two on their fingers, and we are quite used to that.

"But we always get more thumbs up and quiet thanks.

"I think the worry in the organisation is that with the dislike of this 20mph scheme and any attempt to enforce it - even informally by groups like us - might mean people's tempers flare and they might just be prepared to have a go at us.

READ MORE: Buckley 'split' over new 20mph speed limit, says councillor

"The instructions are temporary and are a blanket decision for the safety of everyone engaged in CSW activity in Wales.

"We can only appreciate the fact that the police forces are looking at the welfare and taking care of us as potential targets at the roadside."

Speaking of his own experiences thus far of driving in the 20 zones, he added: "From driving around over the last few days, my experience is that the majority of people are complying."

A GoSafe spokesman said: "Community Speed Watch groups form one of the different methods we use to engage with communities across Wales, to ensure the speed limit is respected.

"We will continue to work closely with our CSW groups across Wales, to ensure that they are well informed and can continue to serve their communities safely.

"We will support their activity as we all work together to make our roads safer."