Wrexham residents and councillors held a public meeting to discuss proposals for more than 1,500 new homes.

Housing developer Redrow submitted a planning application for 1,520 houses on the Lower Berse Farm site in Wrexham, despite the LDP being rejected twice by the council,

A public meeting was held on Tuesday, September 26 at Brickfield Rangers Clubhouse in Clywedog Park.

Despite the meeting being arranged short notice it was well attended by concerned residents from the Bersham, Bryn Offa and Rhostyllen areas.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr Phil Wynn (Brynyffynnon), and supported by Cllr Mark Pritchard (Esclusham), Cllr Sarah Roberts (Offa), Cllr Keith Williams (Erddig) and local resident Mark Andrew.

Members of the public and official consultees need to make their submissions to Wrexham Council’s planning department by October 9.

The allocated planning case officer in the council will weigh up Redrow's proposed land use for Berse Farm against raised concerns, before advising the council’s planning committee to either approve or refuse the planning application.

The meeting was therefore to help residents raise their concerns and clarify how to respond on the planning application. Cllr Phil Wynn said he was pleased with the turnout despite the short notice.

During the meeting, residents and councillors discussed the traffic impacts through Bersham and surrounding areas, sewerage treatment issues and phosphate which relates to plans for a potential on site waste water treatment works, existing public services being overwhelmed even with a planned primary school and “Local Centre” in the plans, and any increase risk in flooding.

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Residents voiced their opinions about the potential urbanisation of the area the plans could create, and their wishes to preserve public spaces and the bridleway, as well as the conservation area. There are also historic buildings which residents feel need to be protected.

Councillors advised that when it comes to raising concerns ready for the planning case officer, they cannot comment with emotion, only fact and that they need to read the documents carefully.

One resident Deborah Thatcher, who lives near the proposal site in a historic home, explained that they recognised the need for housing in Wrexham, but said: " It’s (about ) doing it in a respectful manner that actually takes into consideration residents and recognises it is a currently a rural area and a heritage area.”

Asked to comment after the meeting, Paul Murray, strategic land director at Redrow (NW), said: “We have taken care when designing this development to address local concerns, including specific matters regarding traffic and flooding. Independent transport and flooding assessments have been submitted as part of our planning application.

“With modification to the A483 junction, we are confident that the proposed development would mitigate its impact upon the surrounding highway network.

“The flooding assessment found that areas of isolated flooding would not be made any worse as a consequence of development, nor will there be any knock-on impact downstream. In addition, we do not propose to build on any areas where potential for flooding has been identified.

“We believe this is a sustainable location for a carefully phased development of much-needed new homes, built over a number of years. We’re proposing a new primary school, community centre and other amenities that could include shops, a nursery, and a café to provide facilities for new residents and those in the surrounding neighbourhoods.”