WREXHAM residents 'are ready to fight' proposals for more than 1,500 new homes in the area.

Plans by housing developer Redrow to build 1,520 homes on the Lower Berse Farm site demonstrate how important it is to reject Wrexham's Local Development Plan, according to Plaid Cymru.

The planning application for the huge new housing estate, which would include a new school and water treatment works, has now been submitted to Wrexham Council, even though the LDP has still not been accepted.

The planning statement from Redrow highlights the council’s lack of a Local Development Plan, that it’s Unitary Development Plan expired 12 years ago and that this site was included in the draft LDP which could yet be imposed by the Welsh Government.

Earlier this year, Gwersyllt residents raised similar concerns about the LDP following plans for 96 new homes in the area.

Now, councillors Becca Martin and Kate Wilkinson have discussed the importance of rejecting the LDP.

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Cllr Martin said: "As a group, Plaid Cymru councillors have said all along that voting for this Local Development Plan would give developers the green light to build in the countryside on all sides of Wrexham, increasing urban sprawl and putting added pressure on overstretched services and infrastructure.

"This planning application is seeking to take advantage of the draft plan, even though it's not been accepted, and develop a housing estate on good agricultural land.

"Wrexham's population is currently static and predicted to fall in coming years, our services are stretched to breaking point and nearby roads are already overloaded. This giant housing development will make matters worse.

"It's vital that the Welsh Government listens to the people of Wrexham on this matter - they must rethink the LDP they're seeking to impose on Wrexham rather than dance to the tune of large housing developers."

Cllr Wilkinson, who represents the Offa ward next to the proposed development, added: "Hundreds have signed a petition against this plan and residents are ready to fight this planning application all the way.

"We understand that the best way to do that is by stopping the LDP but we will use all tools at our disposal to make the case for building affordable houses on brownfield sites rather than trashing our countryside with executive housing."

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “Wrexham is the only local planning authority in Wales not to adopt a local development plan which creates uncertainty for communities, businesses, and investors.

“Due to the legal process underway, it is not appropriate for us to comment further.”