A TEAM of volunteers who have held speeding motorists to account across their community for years are to have their activities reduced to a single road when new speed limits come into force.

The Leader has reported many times over recent years on the hard work of Buckley's Community Speedwatch team.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, said: "Presently, we're directed that we are not to monitor any of the 20mph or remaining 30mph roads until further instruction.

"However we may continue to function on roads which are listed as 40.

"And until they make some declarations one way or the other, the only 40mph road in our area for which we have authority is Padeswood Drive on the A5118, by Padeswood Cement works.

READ MORE: Everything to know about Sunday's 20mph speed limits

"On or after the 17th, we shall be limited to that one monitoring location pending further instructions.

"We shan't be there 24 hours a day, but we do usually put in two or three hour stints in a week - we will maintain that, varying the times."

Cllr Woolley has been seeking guidance on speedwatch activities for some time and described the instructions for groups such as his as "very poor."

"That's not aimed at the police," he explained, "it's aimed at the manner in which the Welsh Government has handled the thing - which has made life awkward for police forces and local authorities throughout the country."

One matter Cllr Woolley has been trying to gain clarity about is the cut off point at which drivers will become 'reportable' in the 20mph zones.

Currently, Buckley CSW operates on a 10 per cent plus one system - so for example in a 30 mph zone, the group takes the speed limit, adds 10 per cent and then one mile per hour.

That means drivers travelling at 35 or above are reported.

However, Cllr Woolley said he understands the 20mph zones will operate on a system of 10 per cent plus three - meaning those travelling at 26 and over would be 'reportable' - as to go any lower would see a huge spike in reports.

He said: "There seems to be a belief that if they try anything less, it would create so many reports that they would be totally inundated - because there would be people who are fined at that level and would want to argue.

"My sympathies are with the police and the courts - the 43 police forces in the UK are something in the order of 4,000 shorter on numbers than they were in 2010.

READ MORE: Buckley 'split' over new 20mph speed limit, says councillor

"Since then, there are more vehicles on the road and a bigger population."

A spokesman for GoSafe said: "Community Speed Watch groups form one of the different methods we are using to engage with communities across Wales, to ensure the new 20mph default speed limit is respected.

"We will continue to work closely with CSW across Wales to keep them informed and support their activity in 20mph areas, where signage is appropriate, as we all work together to make our roads safer."