THE daughter of a terminally ill man who will do "whatever it takes" to get her father home is calling on the community to help her.

Rachel Acton is wanting to bring her step-father Leslie Pimlott home from hospital but problems in obtaining a care package have prevented this.

The dog walker and trainer travels from her home in Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr, Corwen, to Wrexham Maelor Hospital to see her father. This is a 65-mile trip.  

Attempts have been made to get Leslie, who was diagnosed with a Grade 4 brain tumour in 2022, into Ruthin Community Hospital, which would only be 11-miles away for Rachel, but the 65-year-old was turned down. He was also turned down for a home.

Leslie, a former farrier, has been in Wrexham for about four months.

Rachel, who is being supported by close family friend Susan Boswell, said the staff have been "fantastic" and have even said 'your dad needs to be home'.

She is now considering signing discharge forms to take Leslie out of hospital and is calling on the community to help her in her quest to obtain a hoist, a bigger hospital bed and a strong chair. 

She is also in need of 'muscle power' to help lift Leslie from the ambulance to his bed. 

Rachel said: "I am under no illusion that he could come home for just one day and die, but he would be home.

The Leader: Rachel just wants to bring her father home. The hospital allowed her to bring in her father's dog recently.Rachel just wants to bring her father home. The hospital allowed her to bring in her father's dog recently. (Image: Rachel Acton)

"We have been fighting for months to try and get a care package. They offered me a local community hospital which was only 11 miles away and they were going to take him. They turned him down twice though. He was crying and begging me to take him home. The staff on the ground are fantastic but it is the system which is failing.

"I was going to take him to a home and they refused him as well. His bed is too small, he needs a bigger bed so you can turn him. There isn't much help.

"The oncologist said he has three months to live. 

"There are a lot of emotions involved. I have seen my dad deteriorate in hospital. The staff are fantastic. They see where I am coming from. We are banging our heads against brick walls.

"The reason he can't come home is because we can't get a care package and there is the health and safety element but, I know him well enough. He wants to come home and we want him home.

"We want him to be home surrounded by his animals, looking out at the mountains, at the horses and if he wants to, he can smoke his cigar or pipe. 

"I am happy to sign any disclaimer, I just want him home.

"I also want to raise awareness that it is the system, it is the system that is stopping people from coming home. Not being able to have a care package."

Leslie was diagnosed in March 2022 with a Glioblastoma, a type of cancer that starts as a growth of cells in the brain or spinal cord. Leslie was first assessed at Glan Clwyd Hospital. Doctors thought he had sleep apnea and he was sent home.

A week later, Leslie had another seizure whilst out in Llangollen. Leslie underwent an MRI scan at Glan Clwyd Hospital and the tumour was discovered. 

Leslie underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

About 14 weeks ago, he suffered a seizure at home and a fall. An ambulance attended but Rachel was informed the Cancer Treatment Centre at Glan Clwyd, where he regularly attended, were not accepting patients and were "full". As a result, Leslie was taken to Wrexham Maelor Hospital and this is where he has remained since. 

Rachel, who lost her mother five years ago to cancer, is very close to Leslie and has been by his side throughout his treatment and ill health. 

"Leslie has become a bit of a local celebrity - 'free Wrexham one'," Rachel said.

"I know that I need carers but I will do it. The positives outweigh any negatives. I try and think out of the box. 

"I need a hospital bed, a hoist. He can still talk, he knows where he is. I need carers or helpers to help get him from the ambulance and a strong chair to strap him up in the ambulance and people to help lift him from the ambulance to his bed. I would be so grateful for any help. 


"We have made his room in the lounge. He can look out the window and at the mountains and horses.

"I live with my ex-partner and my dad's home is here. It works.

"I do want to say thank you to all the staff at Wrexham. They are absolutely amazing, they do miracles. They are absolutely mortified we can't get carers or a care package.

"He has never been ill, he is a gentle man.

"I am all he has got in Wales. He has got other family outside Wales that are absolutely brilliant and they all support me in what I am trying to do."

Angela Wood, executive director of Nursing at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB), said: “Our hearts go out to the family of Mr Pimlott at this difficult time.

“If one of our patients wishes to leave hospital and return home, and the family wish to support them in doing so, then we would do all we can to support that.

“We are liaising with the local multidisciplinary community nursing services to ensure Mr Pimlott and family are fully supported upon his discharge.”