CONCERNS have been raised about motorists using a Mold road as a "racetrack" after one was recorded doing almost twice the legal limit.

The Leader has reported many times on the work of Buckley Community Speedwatch team, which is led by Cllr Arnold Woolley.

During 11 roadside sessions, totalling 57 volunteer work hours, the group recorded 185 speeders throughout August.

Of those, 178 were referred to Go Safe and will receive letters urging them to be better drivers.

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The road which saw the highest speed of the month was Raikes Lane in Mold, a 30 mile per hour road.

Cllr Woolley said many people coming off the A5119 onto the road in question mistakenly believe the speed limit is higher owing to it being a dual carriageway.

Indeed, during August one motorist was recorded doing 58 miles per hour, and another at 54.

The Leader: Buckley Community Speedwatch Team members at the roadsideBuckley Community Speedwatch Team members at the roadside (Image: Staff)

And earlier this year we looked back on the speedwatch team's work throughout 2022, when the year's top recorded speed was 57mph - also in Raikes Lane.

Cllr Woolley explained: "There's no signage to say there has been any change from the 30 mile per hour limit on the road they have just come off.

"But vehicles are skittering up and down here as if it was a racetrack.

"People need to work with the last sign they have seen in terms of speed and not make incorrect assumptions; they could land you with points and pounds out of your pocket."

Other high speeds were recorded on the A5119 coming through New Brighton, where the limit is 30 miles per hour.

Two motorists were recorded travelling at 48 miles per hour there, and one at 52.

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Cllr Woolley said his team continues to come across "oddities" such as vehicles not matching their description in DVLA records; leading him to believe there are "cloned plates and stolen vehicles whizzing around" in the area.

But some, he stated, may also simply be a lack of knowledge on the part of owners when making material changes to their vehicles, such as their colour.

He said: "I think people really don't understand that when something material changes on their vehicle, they need to report it to the DVLA to keep the records straight.

"It's a matter of people living up to their responsibilities."