A GIRL from Wrexham has raised close to £1,000 for charity after cutting 13 inches off her hair. 

Martha Roberts, from Borras, decided she'd had enough of her long hair and braved the chop. 

After talking with her mum, Elin, five-year-old Martha agreed to donate the hair to the Little Princess Trust. 

The Little Princess Trust, set up in 2006, was founded in memory of five-year-old Hannah Tarplee.

The charity provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to 24 years, who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.

In addition to donating her hair to the trust, she has also raised over £900 via a GoFundMe page which can be found here.


Martha's decision to brave the chop left her mum Elin so proud, she said: "Martha decided she had enough of her long hair and wanted a haircut.

"I told her about a charity that helped sick children and she agreed she would like to help someone else feel as pretty as she does with her long hair.

"When we got to the hairdresser, she was very nervous but as soon as it was chopped off she was so happy.

"She didn’t stop flicking her hair around all afternoon!

"I wanted to cry seeing her long hair being chopped off but as long as she loves it that’s all that matters. 

"We’ve currently raised £910, I couldn’t be prouder of her."