MONDAY will see the return of Halloween, much to many people’s delight (or dismay).

Most will either be accompanying their children to collect as many sweets as possible, on door duty to give out large amounts of confectionary, or (in most cases) turn the lights out and give the impression that nobody is home.

However, as a kid it’s always an exciting night. Dressing up in a costume, knocking on doors in pursuit of enough sweets to last the next week.

With this in mind, we asked Leader readers to share with us their memories of Trick ‘or’ Treating when they were young.

More specifically, what was the worst thing you received. As ever, the responses did not disappoint.

Leanne Williams wrote: “Toothpaste and a toothbrush! I wanted sweets and chocolate!”

Rachel Cooper said: “A tin of ‘No Frills Baked Beans.’”

Dave Pugh posted: “A 7” single by Paul McCartney from the film ‘Spies Like Us’. It might be worth a bit now if we hadn’t used it as a frisbee!”


Shaun Breeze said: “An onion disguised as a toffee apple.”

Ross Griffith said: “A dairy lea triangle.”

Clare Jones wrote: “(A) sprout wrapped in tin foil.”

Sharon Harrison posted: “A bucket of water thrown over me!”

Sophie Rhian said: “An egg.”

Trudi Angell shared: “(I) think mine was a soft biscuit.”

Zoe Parry wrote: “Potatoes.”

Karen Dowd posted: “The kids got a bag of rocket one year!”

The list goes on, and with another evening on Trick ‘or’ Treat fun just around the corner, kids will be hoping they fair a lot better on Monday evening than some of the items mentioned here!