A CHURCH in Buckley has received a special status for its contribution to children and young people in the community. 

St John's United Reformation Church, on Hawkesbury Road, has received the URC Children and Youth Friendly church status.

A representative from the church said: "This is in recognition of the contribution our children and young people make to our church and how St John’s values and supports their discipleship."

The URC Children and Youth Friendly Status indicates that the church has implemented measures to make a welcoming environment for children and young people as well as encourage decision making from children. 

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Sian Hughes, an Elder at the church, said: "We want the children to have a voice in our church and working for the status taught us how we can do that."

Mrs Hughes is in charge of overseeing the eight children that are currently in the congregation from ages one to 13. 

She added: "We see church life about sharing love with a community and a part of that is reaching out to disengaged communities."

Elis Hughes, a member of the congregation and son of Mrs Hughes, was also awarded a Lundie Memorial award. 

The Leader: Ellis Hughes with Lundie Memorial AwardEllis Hughes with Lundie Memorial Award (Image: Sian Hughes)

The award is designed to highlight and celebrate such individuals who are using their skills, time and talent to good effect.

A representative at the church said: "Elis for receiving the Lundie Memorial Award for his love and kindness towards the homeless community and raising an amazing £1,615 for Chester Aid to The Homeless (CATH).

"Elis received £100 which he’s going to use to buy some comfy seats in church for our children as well as donate some to CATH."

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In 2020 Elis, at just 9 years old, and his mother Sian Davies raised money for CATH by partaking in a sponsored sleep out for the homeless. 

As it was during the Covid-19 pandemic the pair completed the fundraising event in their own garden with just a tarpaulin for cover against the rain. 

Mrs Hughes said: "Elis has been concerned about homelessness from a very young age.

"The sleepout got to us both, as we only had to do it for one night but for some people that is their reality."