A CAT which became popular with shoppers at a Flintshire supermarket has moved home. 

The Leader has previously reported on Thomas the ginger cat who has been a regular feature of the Tesco store in Mold.

The loveable feline has often been seen hanging about near the plants and ornaments outside the shop. He's even been known to jump in the back of shoppers' cars. 

The Leader:

Thomas, also hailed as 'the Tesco mascot' and nicknamed 'Tom', belongs to Andy Wignall - the Practice Principal at the nearby Grange Veterinary Hospital.

Andy, who took Tom in as a stray five years ago, and his family recently moved to Halkyn Mountain. 

Andy's fiancée, Nicola, said: "My oldest son loves that his cat is 'famous'. 

"Thomas was one of two stray kittens that came into the vets five years ago, his sister is called Dinosaur. They are both very loved by us, and we know everyone loves them but we couldn’t move and not bring them with us.

"He is loving his new surroundings, though."

The Leader: Tom in his new surroundings. Tom in his new surroundings. (Image: Newsquest)

She is now urging anyone who sees Tom at Tesco to ring the Grange Veterinary Hospital as he would be missing from home. 

After posting about Tom's move on a local social media group, dozens of people commented talking about their fond experiences with the feline. 

One person said: "He nearly ended up in Nannerch one day - he had sneaked into my car as I was loading my shopping. Thankfully he was spotted before I left."

Another added: "I'm so going to miss seeing him on my trips to Tesco. He always brightened people's days. Hope he's happy in his beautiful new surroundings."

A further comment said: "We’re all going to miss Thomas, he came to see us every day he loved all the fuss from staff and the customers. 

"Trips to Tesco won't be the same without him."